
I have an issue within Excel and I really hope you can assist me in cracking it. Let me try to describe my problem;

I have a given date, e.g. January 22, 2001
With this date I need to add 4 years, so I simply did cell * 1460 (as that is 4*365), so I end up with January 21, 2005. So far so good...

Now I want to know the Fiscal Year which this month is in.
Example, fiscal year 06 is from June 1, 2005 - May 31, 2006.

This means that I need some kind of calculation to see in which Fiscal Year this date is. In my above example (January 21, 2005) this is FY06, but June 1, 2006 would be FY07.

How can I do this? I experimented with using Year() and Month() and then do some logical check with IF, but I can't crack it... Who could help???

When possible the solution should not have hardcoded years, so even if I enter a date in August 2050 it should still say FY51.
