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How can I sort data in sequence by odd/even numbers

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  1. #1

    How can I sort data in sequence by odd/even numbers

    I am trying to sort data by street, then number, but I want to keep the odd
    and even street numbers together rather than having them merged together

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    I would create a sorter column and use the expression =iseven(cell containing number) eg iseven(a2) and copy this down. You can then sort by this column and then by the house number column. Is even is in the analysis tool pak which needs to be installed

    or= (number/2 -int(number/2))*2 would work eg =(a2/2-int(a2/2))*2 Only multiplying by 2 to make the answer 1 or 0 this would also produce #value if the data was non numeric

    You will still have problems if an address is:
    a house name
    a flat
    of the form 24a
    As none of the above are numbers


    Last edited by Dav; 02-17-2006 at 04:15 AM.

  3. #3

    RE: How can I sort data in sequence by odd/even numbers


    "TxBlackJack" wrote:

    > I am trying to sort data by street, then number, but I want to keep the odd
    > and even street numbers together rather than having them merged together

  4. #4

    RE: How can I sort data in sequence by odd/even numbers

    Dav answered to use =iseven

    When I attempted to do this I was unable to do so, as it said that funciton
    was not available. I then followed instructions and went to Tools, Add-ins,
    Analysis ToolPak

    Then I receive the response that Excel cannot run the add-in as it is not
    installed and asks if I want to install it.

    When I click on Yes, I then receive the response that Microsoft Excel cannot
    access the file "analys32.xll" and says there are several

    What now?

    "TxBlackJack" wrote:

    > I am trying to sort data by street, then number, but I want to keep the odd
    > and even street numbers together rather than having them merged together

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