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Use VLookup for range of cells, but with a twist

  1. #1

    Use VLookup for range of cells, but with a twist


    I have a workbook in which Sheet1 contains a list of unique enquiry
    numbers in column E, and a name in column C.

    Sheet 2 also contains the same data - Name in column A; enquiry number
    in column B and a third column C with a numeric value in it (time spent
    on enquiry).

    I need to create a formula that will look at the value from E in Sheet
    1, match it to a value in B in Sheet 2, then compare the name in column
    A Sheet2 to column C in Sheet1. If I have a complete match then I want
    to input value from C in Sheet 2 into a new column in sheet 1.

    Can anyone help, or perhaps point out a more simpler way of getting
    this data across?

    Many thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: Use VLookup for range of cells, but with a twist


    Simply use an IF statement to test the result:

    In this case, however, you cannot use VLOOKUP as you need to lookleft
    instead of right. If you can change the order of the columns, you can, as I
    say, just use an IF statement to test the result

    =IF( Vlookup(EnquiryNo., LookupRange,2,false) = EmpName,Vlookup(EnquiryNo.,

    Rgds, Geoff

    "A crash reduces
    Your expensive computer
    To a simple stone"

    "[email protected]" wrote:

    > Hi
    > I have a workbook in which Sheet1 contains a list of unique enquiry
    > numbers in column E, and a name in column C.
    > Sheet 2 also contains the same data - Name in column A; enquiry number
    > in column B and a third column C with a numeric value in it (time spent
    > on enquiry).
    > I need to create a formula that will look at the value from E in Sheet
    > 1, match it to a value in B in Sheet 2, then compare the name in column
    > A Sheet2 to column C in Sheet1. If I have a complete match then I want
    > to input value from C in Sheet 2 into a new column in sheet 1.
    > Can anyone help, or perhaps point out a more simpler way of getting
    > this data across?
    > Many thanks.

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