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Sorting of References for Formulas

  1. #1

    Sorting of References for Formulas

    I want to use a formula in a cell (fixed), that contains a cell as reference
    which in turn is subject to "move" by sorting.

    The column containing the formula in let’s say A1, HAS do be moved (sorted),
    but the formula in cell Q8 (fixed there) should always refer to the value
    that was formerly in cell A1 and might now be in A5.

    This row 1 is part of a table that gets sorted. The line, that contains the
    value (in row 1) to be used in cell Q8 contains some fixed text, that never
    changes. Might this help?
    (Maybe something similar as "COUNTIF")

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2

    RE: Sorting of References for Formulas

    You can use the SUMIF formula if the value (e.g. a name) in reference to your
    moving cell in your table is always the same (e.g. same line).

    The formula in Q5 would look like =SUMIF(B1:B20,"UNIQUE_VALUE",A1:A20)
    The name in column B must be UNIQUE, otherwise all the values with the same
    name are added. The WHOLE table should be sorted, of course.

    "fak119" wrote:

    > I want to use a formula in a cell (fixed), that contains a cell as reference
    > which in turn is subject to "move" by sorting.
    > The column containing the formula in let’s say A1, HAS do be moved (sorted),
    > but the formula in cell Q8 (fixed there) should always refer to the value
    > that was formerly in cell A1 and might now be in A5.
    > This row 1 is part of a table that gets sorted. The line, that contains the
    > value (in row 1) to be used in cell Q8 contains some fixed text, that never
    > changes. Might this help?
    > (Maybe something similar as "COUNTIF")
    > Any suggestions?

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