I have set up a spreadsheet with a simple sheet1(data!) to show each day, where i worked, how many hours etc, and in the last row i have a tag, a letter "I" if i want to invoice and a letter "P" if i have been paid. On sheet2(invoice!) Its set up as an invoice page (To be printed), taking the information from sheet1 on the lines that contain an "I" i want it to pull that info (i.e where i worked) and place it in 5 rows (normally there are 5 "I"s), (i normally do 5 days). I can get it to sum up the hours i have worked in a week so if there is an "I" with : =SUMIF(Data!H2:H87,"I",Data!B2:B87)
Sorry this sounds like gibberish but its hard to put into writing...
i'm a real novice and i think i have bitten off more than i can chew..
All help really appreciated..