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How to sum data based on font or cell color?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Smile How to sum data based on font or cell color?

    As subject, data are in different color font or cell. Can I sum the data by different color? e.g. add all the data in red font and/or in blue cell.
    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Roger Govier

    Re: How to sum data based on font or cell color?


    take a look at Bob Phillip's site for a solution


    Roger Govier

    "techiesol" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > As subject, data are in different color font or cell. Can I sum the
    > data
    > by different color? e.g. add all the data in red font and/or in blue
    > cell.
    > Many thanks.
    > --
    > techiesol
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > techiesol's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34728
    > View this thread:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=544924

  3. #3

    Re: How to sum data based on font or cell color?

    "Roger Govier" wrote:
    > take a look at Bob Phillip's site for a solution
    > http://xldynamic.com/source/xld.ColourCounter.html

    Just to add on a little to Roger's suggestion ..

    Here's a sample file (~ "starter's kit") which
    contains an implementation of Bob Phillips' ColorIndex
    Function from his "Processing Coloured Cells" page (link above)
    and some examples on how to use the UDF in Excel
    (kit was given in response to a previous query)

    Link to the sample file (construct details inside):

    Note that as the UDF is non volatile, recalc has to be
    forced, even if calc mode is set to Automatic. Press
    F9 to force recalc. Read the section "Constraints" in
    Bob's page.

    The sample should help you get started ..

    (not sure about font color, though ..)

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Using UDF to calculate range based on cell color

    Thanks for the posting. Funny, I am working on the same thing. I have a small problem with this. I am using conventional formatting to change the color of a row based on the contents of a cell. Status column "completed" = change row shade to green. Now, I am using the UDF below to sum the green shaded rows. My problem is that even though the conventional formatting is working for the cells in the row, when you click on each individual cell, the shading shows no color (even though you are looking at it and it is GREEN). Because of this, the UDF is not calculating right. Any thoughts here? I greatly appreciate it.


    Quote Originally Posted by Max
    "Roger Govier" wrote:
    > take a look at Bob Phillip's site for a solution
    > http://xldynamic.com/source/xld.ColourCounter.html

    Just to add on a little to Roger's suggestion ..

    Here's a sample file (~ "starter's kit") which
    contains an implementation of Bob Phillips' ColorIndex
    Function from his "Processing Coloured Cells" page (link above)
    and some examples on how to use the UDF in Excel
    (kit was given in response to a previous query)

    Link to the sample file (construct details inside):

    Note that as the UDF is non volatile, recalc has to be
    forced, even if calc mode is set to Automatic. Press
    F9 to force recalc. Read the section "Constraints" in
    Bob's page.

    The sample should help you get started ..

    (not sure about font color, though ..)
    You guys r awesome!


  5. #5

    Re: How to sum data based on font or cell color?

    > .. My problem is that even though the
    > conventional formatting is working for the cells in the row, when you
    > click on each individual cell, the shading shows no color (even though
    > you are looking at it and it is GREEN). Because of this, the UDF is not
    > calculating right.

    The above sounds like the cells are conditionally formatted, which Bob's UDF
    doesn't cover, re his "Contraints" section in the page:
    "... The second shortcoming is that this technique at present does not cater
    for cells that are coloured due to conditional formatting."

    For CF cases, one way is to try using the same conditions as applied for the
    Eg if col B is conditionally formatted with the formula: =A1>10,
    then we could use something like this in say, C1: =SUMIF(A:A,">10",B:B)
    to sum col B if col A >10
    "jzzman" wrote:

    > Thanks for the posting. Funny, I am working on the same thing. I have a
    > small problem with this. I am using conventional formatting to change
    > the color of a row based on the contents of a cell. Status column
    > "completed" = change row shade to green. Now, I am using the UDF below
    > to sum the green shaded rows. My problem is that even though the
    > conventional formatting is working for the cells in the row, when you
    > click on each individual cell, the shading shows no color (even though
    > you are looking at it and it is GREEN). Because of this, the UDF is not
    > calculating right. Any thoughts here? I greatly appreciate it.
    > Jzzman

  6. #6
    Harlan Grove

    Re: How to sum data based on font or cell color?

    Max wrote...
    >For CF cases, one way is to try using the same conditions as applied for the CF
    >Eg if col B is conditionally formatted with the formula: =A1>10,
    >then we could use something like this in say, C1: =SUMIF(A:A,">10",B:B)
    >to sum col B if col A >10


    But if the conditional formatting formulas or conditions are unknown,
    it's still possible to sum by color index using VBA. The following sums
    by cell background color index, aka, interior color index.

    Function foo(rng As Range, ci As Variant) As Double
    Dim fc As FormatCondition, c As Range
    Dim fcf1 As Variant, cv As Variant

    For Each c In rng
    cv = c.Value2

    If VarType(cv) = vbDouble Then

    If c.Interior.ColorIndex = ci Then
    foo = foo + cv

    For Each fc In c.FormatConditions
    fcf1 = Application.ConvertFormula( _
    Application.ConvertFormula( _
    fc.Formula1, xlA1, xlR1C1, , ActiveCell), _
    xlR1C1, xlA1, xlAbsolute, c)

    If Left(fcf1, 1) <> "=" Then fcf1 = CDbl(fcf1)

    If fc.Type = xlExpression Then

    If CBool(Evaluate(fcf1)) Then
    If fc.Interior.ColorIndex = ci Then foo = foo + cv
    Exit For
    End If

    ElseIf (fc.Operator = xlEqual And cv = fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlNotEqual And cv <> fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlLess And cv < fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlLessEqual And cv <= fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlGreater And cv > fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlGreaterEqual And cv >= fcf1) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlBetween And fcf1 <= cv _
    And cv <= CDbl(fc.Formula2)) _
    Or (fc.Operator = xlNotBetween And (cv < fcf1 _
    Or CDbl(fc.Formula2) < cv)) Then
    If fc.Interior.ColorIndex = ci Then foo = foo + cv
    Exit For

    End If

    Next fc

    End If

    End If

    Next c

    End Function

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks everyone. I'll try them both.


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