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Linear Regression using the TREND function

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Linear Regression using the TREND function

    Im setting up a calibration graph for an analytical method and need to work out a linear regression calculation so that I can calculate the concentration of an unknown.

    I have two columns within the calibration graph and want to have a separate area where I input a value and the concentration is calculated from the linear regression equation. Ive got the equation onto a chart and know I need to use the TREND function. I have looked at the excel explanation but dont really understand it. Can someone explain it simply? and how I need to set up my data entry? thanks

  2. #2
    Mike Middleton

    Re: Linear Regression using the TREND function

    scarlett1 -

    Specifically, what is the part of the explanation you do not understand?

    - Mike

    "scarlett1" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message news:[email protected]...
    > Im setting up a calibration graph for an analytical method and need to
    > work out a linear regression calculation so that I can calculate the
    > concentration of an unknown.
    > I have two columns within the calibration graph and want to have a
    > separate area where I input a value and the concentration is calculated
    > from the linear regression equation. Ive got the equation onto a chart
    > and know I need to use the TREND function. I have looked at the excel
    > explanation but dont really understand it. Can someone explain it
    > simply? and how I need to set up my data entry? thanks
    > --
    > scarlett1
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > scarlett1's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=17495
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=545672

  3. #3
    Jerry W. Lewis

    RE: Linear Regression using the TREND function

    Analytical method calibration typically involves the concentration of an
    analyte and an instrument response corresponding to that concentration.

    Your first decision is which to use as X and which to use as Y in the linear
    regression. A basic assumption of least squares regression (which is what
    Excel does) is that X is measured without error -- while this may be true for
    the concentrations that produce your calibration curve, it is never true for
    the instrument response. As a result, classic calibration takes
    concentration to be the X variable, in which case the TREND function has no
    bearing on the problem.

    With concentration as the X variable then you need the slope and intercept
    extimates (Excel's SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions or LINEST) so you can
    estimate the unknown concentration from a response by
    conc = (response - intercept)/slope.

    For TREND to come into play, you have to accept Krutchkoff's (Technometrics
    10:811-823, 1968) argument that using response as the X variable gives you a
    smaller mean square error for your quantitations than does classical
    calibration, despite the fact that the estimation approach is necessarily
    biased. Krutchkov's paper was controversial at the time, but in the
    following decade the use biased shrinkage estimators to reduce mean squared
    error in other contexts became more fashionable.

    My experience suggests that lab instrument software is now fairly evenly
    split between those that do classical calibration and those that reverse the
    role of x and y. However the documentation for many instruments that reverse
    the role of x and y, erroneously claim to do classical calibration,
    thererfore I am unconvinced that they have adequately understood or even
    thought about what they are doing.


    "scarlett1" wrote:

    > Im setting up a calibration graph for an analytical method and need to
    > work out a linear regression calculation so that I can calculate the
    > concentration of an unknown.
    > I have two columns within the calibration graph and want to have a
    > separate area where I input a value and the concentration is calculated
    > from the linear regression equation. Ive got the equation onto a chart
    > and know I need to use the TREND function. I have looked at the excel
    > explanation but dont really understand it. Can someone explain it
    > simply? and how I need to set up my data entry? thanks
    > --
    > scarlett1
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > scarlett1's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=17495
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=545672

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