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Not as stupid a question; this time about data from multiple sheet

  1. #1
    Ben Karlin

    Not as stupid a question; this time about data from multiple sheet

    Yeah, array function; control+shift+enter. I got it as soon as I hit send.

    What I want to do this is add a report page to the front of a workbook that
    will summarize the information from the next six pages. The thing is the
    next six pages are monthly reports so each month a new page is added right
    under the front page.

    Right now there is the Six Month Report (11/05-04/06) but at the end of this
    month a new page will be added and the Six Month Report will be for

    The report is an exact replica of the monthly reports except for the data.

    Is there a way to write the formulae to take the next six sheets without
    specifically naming what those sheets are?

    Ben Karlin
    St. Louis, MO

  2. #2

    Re: Not as stupid a question; this time about data from multiple sheet

    Assuming your sheet names are in the form Jan_06, Feb_06, Mar_06 etc
    and you are just about to add a May_06 sheet, then currently your
    formulae in the Six Month Report will be something like (for cell C5):


    When you add a new sheet (assuming it is the second sheet and the
    others are in reverse sequence), then you could just do a Find and
    Replace twice. Highlight all the cells in the Six Month Report sheet
    (CTRL-A), then Edit | Replace (or CTRL-H) and:

    Find What: Nov_05
    Replace With: Dec_05

    then click Replace All. Do CTRL-H again, and:

    Find What: Apr_06
    Replace With: May_06

    and click Replace All.

    This is a procedural rather than a formula solution, but it should

    If, instead, your formulae are in this format:

    =Nov_05!C5 + Dec_05!C5 + Jan_06!C5 + Feb_06!C5 + Mar_06!C5 + Apr_06!C5

    then you just have to replace Nov_05 with May_06, and the ordering of
    the sheets doesn't matter.

    Hope this helps.


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