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formula/function that prints only positve numbers

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  1. #1
    Kara Hoover

    formula/function that prints only positve numbers

    I have a overtime worksheet, but I only want the computed totals above 40
    hours to print in the Overtime column (not the negative numbers). Is there a
    formula-function that will provide such??

  2. #2

    RE: formula/function that prints only positve numbers

    Try the MAX function.


    This returns the larger of the two values A1 or 0. Thus, if A1 is ever
    negative, 0 will be returned. You can substitute whatever formula you're
    currently using for A1.

    Another option, if you don't want 0's, is an IF Statement.


    This states that if A1 (or your formula) is less than or equal to 0, return
    a blank (double quotes), otherwise return the value of A1.


    "Kara Hoover" wrote:

    > I have a overtime worksheet, but I only want the computed totals above 40
    > hours to print in the Overtime column (not the negative numbers). Is there a
    > formula-function that will provide such??

  3. #3
    Kara Hoover

    RE: formula/function that prints only positve numbers


    "Elkar" wrote:

    > Try the MAX function.
    > =MAX(A1,0)
    > This returns the larger of the two values A1 or 0. Thus, if A1 is ever
    > negative, 0 will be returned. You can substitute whatever formula you're
    > currently using for A1.
    > Another option, if you don't want 0's, is an IF Statement.
    > =IF(A1<=0,"",A1)
    > This states that if A1 (or your formula) is less than or equal to 0, return
    > a blank (double quotes), otherwise return the value of A1.
    > HTH,
    > Elkar
    > "Kara Hoover" wrote:
    > > I have a overtime worksheet, but I only want the computed totals above 40
    > > hours to print in the Overtime column (not the negative numbers). Is there a
    > > formula-function that will provide such??
    > >
    > >

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