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limit text length after importing data

  1. #1
    Jean N.

    limit text length after importing data

    Is there a way for a cell to be conditionally formatted to show that it is
    going to exceed a specific number of characters? For example, the
    information is already in the spreadsheet. I would like cells in Column B to
    show the text in red, bolded if the cell exceeds 30 characters/spaces. As
    far as I can see, data validation does not work because that only brings up
    flags as data is entered. Also, I do not want to just limit the text as
    these are proper names and addresses so appropriate abbreviations will need
    to be made.

    I hope this is clear and appreciate suggestions from all. Thanks.

  2. #2

    RE: limit text length after importing data

    hi, try

    =if(len(d5)>30;"your text";"")

    assuming the D5 is the cell with the range
    format the range as your convenience

    hope this helps
    regards from Brazil

    "Jean N." escreveu:

    > Is there a way for a cell to be conditionally formatted to show that it is
    > going to exceed a specific number of characters? For example, the
    > information is already in the spreadsheet. I would like cells in Column B to
    > show the text in red, bolded if the cell exceeds 30 characters/spaces. As
    > far as I can see, data validation does not work because that only brings up
    > flags as data is entered. Also, I do not want to just limit the text as
    > these are proper names and addresses so appropriate abbreviations will need
    > to be made.
    > I hope this is clear and appreciate suggestions from all. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Jean N.

    RE: limit text length after importing data

    Thank you Marcelo. The formula that I used in conditional formatting was
    incorrect. Reading your reply, gave me an idea. I entered the formula again
    as follows:

    In conditional formatting, I first chose "formula is" and used
    =len(d5)>30 as the formula,
    I applied the formatting as I needed,
    I then used Format Painter to apply the conditional formatting to the
    remaining cells in the column.

    It worked! The cells that contain more than 30 characters change to a bold
    red font and are easily recognized for correction. Your reply was helpful as
    I recognized the error in my formula.

    Thank you & best wishes for a wonderful day!

    Jean N.

    "Marcelo" wrote:

    > hi, try
    > =len(d5)>30;"your text";"")
    > assuming the D5 is the cell with the range
    > format the range as your convenience
    > hope this helps
    > regards from Brazil
    > Marcelo
    > "Jean N." escreveu:
    > > Is there a way for a cell to be conditionally formatted to show that it is
    > > going to exceed a specific number of characters? For example, the
    > > information is already in the spreadsheet. I would like cells in Column B to
    > > show the text in red, bolded if the cell exceeds 30 characters/spaces. As
    > > far as I can see, data validation does not work because that only brings up
    > > flags as data is entered. Also, I do not want to just limit the text as
    > > these are proper names and addresses so appropriate abbreviations will need
    > > to be made.
    > >
    > > I hope this is clear and appreciate suggestions from all. Thanks.

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