
In my work, I download a lot of statistical data from government sources.
Unfortunately, the data is usually presented in a way that is not easy to
manipulate or work with. Right now, I am working employment data for the 50
U.S. states.

The spreadsheet I currently have essentially has three really long columns.

The first column is the state name (United States, Alabama, Alaska,
Arkansas, Arizona, etc.)

Second column is the the industry (Agriculture, manufacturing, retail, etc.)

Third column is the data for employment.

Rather than having all of the data in long (6000+ rows), I want to place
each of the states in to their own column. So the final table would look
something like this:

First column: Industry
Second column: U.S. data
Third Column: Alabama data
Fourth column: Alaska data
Fifth column: Arkansas data

And so on until the last state

Is there an easy way to accomplish this rather than using cut and paste?

Thanks for your help and suggestions.