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Restricted value sequences in rows

  1. #1

    Restricted value sequences in rows

    I need to create a warning when specific values sequences are input from a
    drop down menu. My example:

    I have 31 columns (days in month) and have 25 rows (peoples names) from the
    drop down box I have the following values-These are shift designations
    (V1,V2,V3,V4, SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4, A1,A2,A3,A4,N,R1,R2,R3,DB,C).

    If the selections in cell between B1:AF25 are either SV 1-4 or A 1-4 I want
    a warning to appear IF a value of V 1-4, R 1-3, DB or C are attempted to be
    put in the immediately following cell.

    Example: Cell B3 has A-4 and in cel C3 they attempt to put N, then it
    should give a warning "This is not a recommended shift sequence".

    Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows


    Paste the following code in the sheet's VBA code sheet.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim lft As Range
    If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    If toWatch Then
    toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) = "R"
    Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    If toComplain Then
    MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    To do this, right-click the sheet-tab and choose View Code. This will
    take you to the VBA IDE. Paste the code.

    Kostis Vezerides

  3. #3

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    Thanks for this, I copied the code and when I go into the worksheet I get an
    error code as follows:

    Compile Error:
    Ambiguous Name detected; Worksheet_Change.

    The following is the sequence of code already there the second one has the
    same first line, could this be the issue. I have copied it below to show you
    what is already in the "View Code"

    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim lZoom As Long
    Dim lZoomDV As Long
    Dim lDVType As Long
    lZoom = 100
    lZoomDV = 120
    lDVType = 0

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    On Error Resume Next
    lDVType = Target.Validation.Type

    On Error GoTo errHandler
    If lDVType <> 3 Then
    With ActiveWindow
    If .Zoom <> lZoom Then
    .Zoom = lZoom
    End If
    End With
    With ActiveWindow
    If .Zoom <> lZoomDV Then
    .Zoom = lZoomDV
    End If
    End With
    End If

    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Exit Sub
    GoTo exitHandler
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Adjust next constant to your own needs
    Const myColumn As String = "B:AF"
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim Found As Range

    Set rng = UsedRange.Columns(myColumn)
    If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing _
    Or Target.Value = "" _
    Then Exit Sub
    Set Found = rng.Find(Target.Value)
    If Found.Address <> Target.Address Then
    MsgBox ("Duplicate code")
    End If
    End Sub

    "vezerid" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Paste the following code in the sheet's VBA code sheet.
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > Dim lft As Range
    > If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    > Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    > toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    > If toWatch Then
    > toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) = "R"
    > Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    > If toComplain Then
    > MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    > End If
    > End If
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > To do this, right-click the sheet-tab and choose View Code. This will
    > take you to the VBA IDE. Paste the code.
    > HTH
    > Kostis Vezerides

  4. #4

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    yes, the reason is exactly b/c you already have a Worksheet_Change
    macro in the sheet. You will need to incorporate both functionalities
    under the same name. I.e., you will have to insert just the BODY of my
    macro (i.e. w/o the first and last line End Sub), in the existing

    For this to be done properly you need to specify all the checks that
    you need to perform. Which ones should disallow any further action,
    which ones should just produce a warning and in what order you want to
    make the various checks. Write back and we will somehow combine the two
    (is there any more?)


  5. #5

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    The sequence as I see it is not an issue, I just need to get the "Warning"
    messages to advise of the 'potential' issues, they should still be able to
    make the choice of proceeding as in some cases it is required.

    I do have another issue but I haven't yet been able to compile a clear and
    concise explanation of what I am trying to resolve. Once I get it on paper
    would you be good enough to look at it for me?

    "vezerid" wrote:

    > Phil,
    > yes, the reason is exactly b/c you already have a Worksheet_Change
    > macro in the sheet. You will need to incorporate both functionalities
    > under the same name. I.e., you will have to insert just the BODY of my
    > macro (i.e. w/o the first and last line End Sub), in the existing
    > macro.
    > For this to be done properly you need to specify all the checks that
    > you need to perform. Which ones should disallow any further action,
    > which ones should just produce a warning and in what order you want to
    > make the various checks. Write back and we will somehow combine the two
    > (is there any more?)
    > Kostis

  6. #6

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    judging from the other thread, I believe that you should replace the
    Worksheet_Change with the following code:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Adjust next constant to your own needs
    Const myColumn As String = "B:AF"
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim Found As Range
    Dim lft As Range

    Set rng = Target.cells(1,1).EntireColumn
    If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing _
    Or Target.Value = "" _
    Then Exit Sub
    Set Found = rng.Find(Target.Value)
    If Found.Address <> Target.Address Then
    MsgBox ("Duplicate code")
    End If

    If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    If toWatch Then
    toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    If toComplain Then
    MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    End If
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    I think this should do it.


  7. #7

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    I copied and pasted that code and I got a "Compile Error" Syntax Error and it
    came up with the line highlighted below;

    toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =

    I am gathering since it went this far through the code the code prior to the
    highlighted line above is working and the problem is at this line, is that a
    correct assumption.

    "vezerid" wrote:

    > Phil,
    > judging from the other thread, I believe that you should replace the
    > Worksheet_Change with the following code:
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > 'Adjust next constant to your own needs
    > Const myColumn As String = "B:AF"
    > Dim rng As Range
    > Dim Found As Range
    > Dim lft As Range
    > Set rng = Target.cells(1,1).EntireColumn
    > If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing _
    > Or Target.Value = "" _
    > Then Exit Sub
    > Set Found = rng.Find(Target.Value)
    > If Found.Address <> Target.Address Then
    > Target.Select
    > MsgBox ("Duplicate code")
    > End If
    > If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    > Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    > toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    > If toWatch Then
    > toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    > "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    > If toComplain Then
    > MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    > End If
    > End If
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > I think this should do it.
    > Regards,
    > Kostis

  8. #8

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    just join the highlighted line with the next one. Both should be one
    line but the web mailer broke them into to. I.e. place the cursor after
    the = and press Delete until the next line comes after the =. You
    should have a single line with three Or.


  9. #9
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    That line and the one foillowing are all one line.

    Enter a line-continuation character

    toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) = _
    "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"

    Note the space after the = sign and before the _ char.

    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

    On Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:04:02 -0700, yukon_phil
    <[email protected]> wrote:

    >I copied and pasted that code and I got a "Compile Error" Syntax Error and it
    >came up with the line highlighted below;
    > toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    >I am gathering since it went this far through the code the code prior to the
    >highlighted line above is working and the problem is at this line, is that a
    >correct assumption.
    >"vezerid" wrote:
    >> Phil,
    >> judging from the other thread, I believe that you should replace the
    >> Worksheet_Change with the following code:
    >> Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    >> 'Adjust next constant to your own needs
    >> Const myColumn As String = "B:AF"
    >> Dim rng As Range
    >> Dim Found As Range
    >> Dim lft As Range
    >> Set rng = Target.cells(1,1).EntireColumn
    >> If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing _
    >> Or Target.Value = "" _
    >> Then Exit Sub
    >> Set Found = rng.Find(Target.Value)
    >> If Found.Address <> Target.Address Then
    >> Target.Select
    >> MsgBox ("Duplicate code")
    >> End If
    >> If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    >> Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    >> toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    >> If toWatch Then
    >> toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    >> "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    >> If toComplain Then
    >> MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    >> End If
    >> End If
    >> End If
    >> End Sub
    >> I think this should do it.
    >> Regards,
    >> Kostis

  10. #10

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    That did it, thank you very much.

    This has been a big learning adventure for me, I think I have actually
    picked up a few things now.

    Would you mind if I send a few more questions to you directly OR should I
    just post them as usual, these are specific to my work sheets.

    "vezerid" wrote:

    > Phil,
    > just join the highlighted line with the next one. Both should be one
    > line but the web mailer broke them into to. I.e. place the cursor after
    > the = and press Delete until the next line comes after the =. You
    > should have a single line with three Or.
    > HTH
    > Kostis

  11. #11

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows

    Thank you Gord for your input, Kostis explained to me the 'broken' line which
    I corrected and it works fine now.

    "Gord Dibben" wrote:

    > That line and the one foillowing are all one line.
    > Enter a line-continuation character
    > toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) = _
    > "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    > Note the space after the = sign and before the _ char.
    > Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
    > On Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:04:02 -0700, yukon_phil
    > <[email protected]> wrote:
    > >I copied and pasted that code and I got a "Compile Error" Syntax Error and it
    > >came up with the line highlighted below;
    > >
    > > toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    > >
    > >I am gathering since it went this far through the code the code prior to the
    > >highlighted line above is working and the problem is at this line, is that a
    > >correct assumption.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >"vezerid" wrote:
    > >
    > >> Phil,
    > >> judging from the other thread, I believe that you should replace the
    > >> Worksheet_Change with the following code:
    > >>
    > >> Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > >> 'Adjust next constant to your own needs
    > >> Const myColumn As String = "B:AF"
    > >> Dim rng As Range
    > >> Dim Found As Range
    > >> Dim lft As Range
    > >>
    > >> Set rng = Target.cells(1,1).EntireColumn
    > >> If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing _
    > >> Or Target.Value = "" _
    > >> Then Exit Sub
    > >> Set Found = rng.Find(Target.Value)
    > >> If Found.Address <> Target.Address Then
    > >> Target.Select
    > >> MsgBox ("Duplicate code")
    > >> End If
    > >>
    > >> If Not Intersect(Range("B1:AF25"), Target) Is Nothing Then
    > >> Set lft = Target.Offset(0, -1)
    > >> toWatch = Left(lft.Value, 1) = "A" Or Left(lft.Value, 2) = "SV"
    > >> If toWatch Then
    > >> toComplain = Left(Target.Value, 1) = "V" Or Left(Target.Value, 1) =
    > >> "R" Or Target.Value = "C" Or Target.Value = "DB"
    > >> If toComplain Then
    > >> MsgBox "This is not a recommended shift sequence"
    > >> End If
    > >> End If
    > >> End If
    > >>
    > >> End Sub
    > >>
    > >> I think this should do it.
    > >>
    > >> Regards,
    > >> Kostis
    > >>
    > >>


  12. #12

    Re: Restricted value sequences in rows


    you are welcome to email directly. I think posting to the forum is the
    preferred method for all since more people can benefit, plus you don't
    have to rely on a specific individual. Thanks for the feedback too.


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