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Offset and fill

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Offset and fill

    Hi. I'm a relatively new Excel user (at least for more than basic functions).

    I am trying to manipulate some data and am having trouble doing it easily.

    I have an excel spreadsheet of survey responses as such:

    A B
    1 Q1
    2 A1 X%
    3 A2 Y%
    4 A3 Z%

    5 Q2
    6 A1 L%
    7 A2 M%
    8 A3 N%

    Where Q is a question number, A is an anser choice and X,Y,Z represent percent values of respondents who answered int his fashion.

    I want to turn it into this:
    A B C D
    1 Q1 Q2 Q3
    2 A1 X% L% P%
    3 A2 Y% M% Q%
    4 A3 Z% N% R%

    While I could copy and paste, the actual spreadsheet is much larger. I am trying to use the offset function and autofill so that
    B2= Offset(B2,0,0) and C2=(B2,4,0) [From the table above].

    I cannot get Excel to autofill with the row value changing eactime (going from 0 to 4 to 8 to 12, etc.).

    Is there any way to do this? Is there another solution to my problem?

    Please email if you can help. myusername [at] hotmail [dot] com

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Place the following in B2 of Sheet2 (assuming orginal is on Sheet1 and transform is on Sheet2):

    Then fill down and across as needed.

    Clay Ver Valen
    Excel help

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