
Is it possible to only update the result of a formula when a particular condition is met, for example.

The context is a Deal or No Deal Spreadsheet, i've got one massive part all working, but i'm trying to get another section working, namely a 'Live Game Guide'. I delete the particular value when it is revealed, and a range of statistics are then calculated. However i'd like to be able to compare the current situation to the previous round...

I have a 'Round' cell, this automatically updates when boxes are removed. As a means of collating other statistics i'd like to be able to make a cell only update if it matches the 'Round' cell.

eg. Round [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Action delete box value "A".

Update Box a in round 1, IF round is #1
or Update Box "A" in round 2, IF round #2....etc

Any ideas?