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Negatives to Positives, Positives to Negatives

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Negatives to Positives, Positives to Negatives

    Hi There,

    I'm a fairly inexperienced user of Excel and this is my question:

    In my job, I am sent spreadsheets in which all the numbers which should be positive are negative, and all the numbers which should be negative are positive (except for a final "total"). It is my job to change these numbers and send the spreadsheet on to another person who doesn't like to look at them in this "reversed" format.

    I was told by the person who previously had my job that I need to go through the spreadsheets I receive each month and change each number manually: from positive to negative or vice-versa. Does anyone know whether there is an easier way to do this? The areas of positive and negative are conveniently located in blocks and would be easy to select if there was a command that could change them all at once. I would very much appreciate any tips on this as it would save me hours of labour over the next year.



  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    New Jersey
    Well, to change a positive to a negative and a negative to a positive, you just need to multiply the corresponding value by negative 1, correct?

    So, in a blank cell on the worksheet, type -1. Right click on that cell, and hit copy. Next, highlight the numbers that you want to reverese the - for. Right click on them, and press paste special, then multiply. It will multiply all the numbers by -1, thereby switching their sign.

    Let me know if tha works.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Excel 2011
    If all your stuff is data rather than the formulas, this might help. Put this in the ThisWorkbook codemodule and it will change the sign of any number you double click on.
    Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    If IsNumeric(Target.Value) Then Target.Value = -Target.Value
    Cancel = True
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    Perth, Australia

    Negatives to Positives, Positives to Negatives

    Or to extend on mikes code if all the numbers you wanted changed were in column A you could use the below code. This would change them all automatically so you wouldnt have to click on them..

    Sub test()
    'change A to the column the numbers you want converted
    Set myrange = Range("A1", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
    For Each cell In myrange
    If IsNumeric(cell) Then cell.Value = -cell.Value
    Cancel = True
    End Sub

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