Could someone offer some help on an excel command please?

I have a formula =IF(OR(B4I9),(SUM(D4-B4)-C4)-I10,"") for working out times on a spreadsheet.

Cell References are :

B4 = Start Time- Input
C4 = Lunch
D4= Finish Time - Input
E4 = Hours worked - Formula - IF(B4>0,(SUM(D4-B4)-C4),"")

I9 = Finish Time + 10 minutes
I10 = Working day (ie 7.5 hours)

Then what I want is that if people start before 8:20 (I8) and finish after 5:10 (I9) then it will work out the overtime but if I use the or command then it will work out the complete time if just one argument is correct i.e. if they start before 20 past 8 if will work out overtime for 1 minute past 5 (where I don’t want it to work it out unless its after 10 past)

But if I use the AND command it wont work it out until both arguments are correct i.e. someone comes in at 25 past but does 2 hours after 5 if wont work out the time because they didn’t start before 20 past 8.

Is there a formula that will take both commands into consideration when working it out?

Thanks in advance
