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Record in Workbook 1; same info appears in Workbook 2

  1. #1
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    Record in Workbook 1; same info appears in Workbook 2

    I need to be able to record the gross score, handicap, net score, & putts on the summary sheet (one sheet for each of 40 golfers) in one workbook and then have that same information appear on a weekly handicap sheet (Monday, July 30) showing ALL the golfers (not in the same order) on one page in a different workbook. Then the next week I would use the SAME summary sheet (a new row) but a NEW weekly handicap sheet (Monday, August 6). Is this possible? I have learned how to have both workbooks open on the same screen and to copy and then do a PASTE SPECIAL. It seems like more work than to type in the info twice. I want to save myself some time. I could attach some files if that would help.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    It's hard to follow exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

    Are you familiar with Excel's Lookup functions (VLOOKUP, MATCH, etc)? I wouldn't be surprised if those could be used in formulating your solution.

  3. #3
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    Record in Workbook 1; same info appears in Workbook 2

    Thanks, MrShorty, for your reply but I do not know about the lookup functions you mentioned. I looked them up but don't think they will solve my problem. I am attaching some sheets from the 2 workbooks I am using. I know I didn't explain myself very well earlier and hope this will help you see what I'm talking about and maybe you can help me then.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
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    You have to be very specific in the setting up of what you want to do, you would be easier with a data sheet , and then a sheet to select the week and another sheet to select the player, otherwise the formulas become messy, it is always easier keeping all the data on one sheet

    perhaps something like the following as a start


    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Dav; 08-16-2007 at 11:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Record in Workbook 1; same infor appears in Workbook 2

    Thanks, Dav, for your GREAT effort on my behalf. I will have to study what you sent, but I wanted to acknowledge your hard work. You are the only one to respond with a way to improve on what I have. Thanks so much.


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