
I have a list of data on sheet 1. I the use a formula to get the data into a table on sheet 2.

=INDEX('Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700,MATCH(1,INDEX(('Sheet 1!AB17:AB700=A8)*(Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700<>"Result")*('Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700<>O8)*('Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700<>O9)*('Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700<>O10),0,1),0))

Is there any way that I could condense the last part of the formula (in red text) so that it is something like:

*('Sheet 1'!AC17:AC700 <> O8:O10)

I have tried the above but it doesn't return any value is there a way to do this sort of thing?
