Hi guys,

I need to do this,

I have 3 colums and multipul rows, for this example I will use 3 colums & 20 rows.

There are numbers is all cells. I will give a bit of an example to help understand my desired outcome.

1st column has a row of numbers from 1 - 10 in random
2nd column has a row of numbers from 1 - 10 in random
3rd column has a row of numbers from 1 - 10 in random

If any of the 20 rows has the highest value in all 3 rows (or matching)


row1 has 3 - 3 - 2
row2 has 3 - 3 - 1
row3 has 2 - 1 - 1

So row1 has the highest values in all 3 colums, 2 match and thats ok.

I want that row to then get backfilled with a color - eg;red

If however, none of the rows have the highest in all three colums, then I want it NOT to backfill the color....

So in other words I am pasting in data and I want a specific row to stand out if it meets a certian creiteria..being the highest of all three columns

Any idea's?
