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Finding certain values in column

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Finding certain values in column

    i have a sheet that adds payments out with details, date and amounts.
    i would like to be able to say for instance find all rows that hold the name fred (as in payments to fred) in the details column. then i would like to copy and paste the rows into another sheet for simple analysis. would it be possible?

    i'm sure i've seen this being done but can't remember where.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Alex01
    i have a sheet that adds payments out with details, date and amounts.
    i would like to be able to say for instance find all rows that hold the name fred (as in payments to fred) in the details column. then i would like to copy and paste the rows into another sheet for simple analysis. would it be possible?

    i'm sure i've seen this being done but can't remember where.

    thanks in advance

    Are you reffering to Multilookup where you get all the entries based on a certain value which is provided for instance in your case - Fred..

    So all the rows having the Name Fred should appear..

    If yes then search for Multilookup...

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by all4excel

    Are you reffering to Multilookup where you get all the entries based on a certain value which is provided for instance in your case - Fred..

    So all the rows having the Name Fred should appear..

    If yes then search for Multilookup...
    as stated in original post, i want to find all entries in a column that contain a certain word, then i want to copy all rows with that word.

    i'm no expert with excel, i've done a search for multilookup in excel without any result and searched this forum and no clue to what it acheives.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Autofilter might do the trick


    I don't know how complex you're form is.
    However if you've got something like a "Payments to" column which has the names of recipients i.e. Fred, then you might be able to get away with just using the AutoFilter utility.
    Select the table you're working with and in the menu bar go to Data -> Fiter -> Autofilter.

    Each column will now have a little downpointing arrow. If you click this you'll be presented with a drop-down list containing all hte different entries in theat column. If you select Fred's name from this then only the rows contaning his details will be displayed. From that it's easy to copy and paste the details to wherever you like for further work.

    Hope that's helpful,


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