Okay So i'm having a brain freeze at the moment and need some help with a formula in excel.

I have tabs in a worksheet and have two conditions I want met on the totals page. Basically I want to check if a partner is equal to let's say NBA and the ESP is equal to GPM to add the value of sales colum to my totals cell on the second workbook. I will have this function for a total of about 10 different combination and have them add separately into the totals page.

I have this right now which it checks the conditions properly but it doesn't add the values into the cell, it just shows 0.

=IF(AND('Offer Performance'!F:F="NBA",'Offer Performance'!B:B="GPM"), +'Offer Performance'!H:H,0)

So to recap first condition it checks to see if colum F has "NBA" and Column B has "GPM" and i want to take the value in Colum H from that sheet and add it to a running total.

Thanks in advance.