I hope you can help with this.

I have an excel workbook. It must have a macro because anytime I open it it prompts for me to disable or enable macro. I always enable.

There are a few worksheets in it. The worksheet I am working on is GA4. In column BE2, I clicked the = sign and went to tab GA3 and clicked on BW2. So, the formula is =GA3!BW2

I need to draf this down to line 80. There are values in GA3 bw2 to bw80. But it returns 0 for all of them. I have checked tools-options-calculation-automatic is set.
I also tried going into each cell in GA4 and clicked enter, but still doesn't work. I have tried f9, saving, reopening the sheet and shutting down and restarting my computer. What could be wrong?
Thanks for your help!