Hey there,

I am working on a large sumproduct function that is returning an incorrect total. What I am essentially trying to do is get a count of the number of rows that contain certain criteria. Currently my function looks like this:

=SUMPRODUCT((Accounts.Old!$CE$2:$CE$50000<>"Prospect")*(Accounts.Old!$CE$2:$CE$50000<>"Inactive")*(Accounts.Old!$BQ$2:$BQ$50000<>" ")*(Accounts.Old!$BQ$2:$BQ$50000<>"Placeholder")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>"CSP - Exc I AND C")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>"CSP - Inc I AND C")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>"I & C")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>"I AND C")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>"Resell HDS Services")*(Accounts.Old!$F$2:$F$50000<>" ")*1)

It should be returning 160, but instead is returning 693. Is there something I am doing wrong here?

2 side things, if you see an easier way of writing the function I am all ears. Also I am doing a lot of "<>" because I couldn't get an OR type function to work.

If you have any questions I will answer as fast as possible.
