I am an engineer, however i'm am realizing very quickly that school did not teach us all the little things to know about what excel can do to be more efficient.

I have 50 graphs, 4 graphs are designated to 1 room # (i'm doing environmental monitoring of rooms in a building, and the 4 graphs represent surface readings, air viable readings, air non viable .5 micron particles, and air non viable 5 micron particles), just to give you an idea of how everything is organized. I am trying to automate everything, so i can add new data in without having to go through and change each graph separately.

I've organized my graph so that when i insert a new batch of data, the graph will have it added. The problem i am having is i have text boxes labeling dates on the horizontal access. I am hoping to somehow automate the process of adding a new text box when new data is added, that will be linked to a cell with the date in it. Is this possible?

I also do not have my text boxes linked yet. I have 5 "events" (text boxes) on each graph, and each group of 4 graphs are linked to the same cells (event 1, event 2, event 3, ect). IS there a quick way to run through all my graphs and link the text boxes? I have a lot of them, and if i could somehow have a macro that would link the text boxes that are not yet linked for me, that would take an entire days work out. Thanks for any advice.