This is in sheet 1

1 CP21528 3.25 =B1
2 DH21528 -.25 =B2
3 JA21528 1.29 =B3
4 TW21528 -11.12 =B4

This is in Sheet 2

1 CP21528 11.13 =B1+SHEET1.C1
2 DA21528 -6.35 =B1+SHEET1.C2
3 JA21528 2.23 =B1+SHEET1.C3
4 JD21528 1.98 =B1+SHEET1.C4
5 RD21528 -2.22 =B1+SHEET1.C5
6 TW121528 -.13 =B1+SHEET1.C6

I need to compare the data in column A FROM heet 2 with column A of sheet1 and if theirs a match I need to us the value from column c in sheet1 to be added with the value from column b in sheets2 with the reesult appearing in columnc of sheet2.

I have tried index and match, vlookup, hlookup, lookup and it works for first two but then I get #NA for the rest.

The problem seems to be when the data doesn't match