Hello! I have seen some codes on the web but none of them seem to match what I need. Maybe it cannot be done, but I thought I would try here before I waste 500 hours of my life going one by one through 20,000 files.

I am making a song book....so

Row A = Titles of Songs....Row B = Artist and Row C = CDNumber

Many of the Titles I have are duplicate with different cd numbers (example below)

Georgia Rain Yearwood, Trisha TV5238
Georgia Rain Yearwood, Trisha LM6583
Georgia Rain Yearwood, Trisha SY18462

In My book, I only want ONE "Georgia Rain' Song by Trisha Yearwood listed. The column C value still has to match whichever one is left over so that I can find the song on the proper cd, but I don't need 3 rows of the same song.

In short....I'd like excel to search for Column A Values PLUS Column B Values and delete the entire row of all duplicates Except One in my listing so that people can see which songs I have.

Too Complicated? I hope I am not being confusing.

If there is a way to do this (besides going through all 22,000 rows individually), would someone tell me how. I've seen functions listed on here for other things, but I'm not sure where you'd put them.

Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me

Hugs, Angela