Hello all!
I'm preparing a form for reporting inspection data and have a formula that combines the text from 2 cells (an isometric drawing number and the date) and outputs into another cell as a unique report number. The idea is to allow my techs to copy and paste this value as the file name when they are saving the form. The problem, of course, is that when selecting the cell, the formula pops up, not the output value. I know you can copy/paste this in another cell as "value" only but I'm looking for a way to have Excel basically execute that process on its own as I do not expect my techs to remember how to do this themselves.

Formula is currently:
=LEFT(A11,2)&" - "&LEFT(A1,8)
Cell A11 contains the iso drawing number and cell A1 contains the date in Excel date code

Hopefully this is clear enough. Thanks for any advice!