
So basically im working on a macro to automate some of my work, but if stuck on a formula.

I need to bring back a cell based on 2 other columns match info from the other workbook.
So for instance if im on workbook 1 and i want to bring back info from column C on workbook 2 if the info from the cells in columns A match on both books and same with column b.

A colleague came up with the formula below which works but sumifs and countifs etcetera do not work on closed workbooks thus the problem

=SUMIFS(workbook2$C:$C,'workbook2$A:$A,A1,'[Exceptions Report ****.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B:$B,B1)

Ive been trying to fiddle with offsets/matches but not sure how to match 2 sets of data and have yet to get this to work?
i mange to work out an if with sumproduct -

but im stuck on how to bring back the info from the correct row rather than a true or false?

thanks in advance on any suggestions