I have limited training on Excel and most things I know how to do is self taught. I have taught myself today how to create drop down lists however now I am stuck...

I have a couple of spreadsheet that lists items of equipment (choice of five from a drop down list) that prospective customers would like to hire from us and then another box that lists the stage at which this enquire is at (choice of four from a drop down list). The sheets also list other information but that is not relevant for my summary spreadsheet.

I have created a shell of what I want the summary spreadsheet to look like, now what I need to do is input the formulas so excel does all the counting for me when a new line of information is added. I would like the spreadsheet to automatically count the amount of different items we have had enquiries about split up into the four different stage at which the enquiry is at. If there is anyone out there that would be able to help please let me know I really do not want to be defeated.