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Skip locked/protected row when copying information to entire column

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Microsoft Office 2010

    Skip locked/protected row when copying information to entire column

    Hello, the problem I am having is mass pasting information. I would like the top row to be locked/protected so it will be skipped when I select the entire column to paste into. Of course, I get the error message that I cannot paste because the cells are protected. I have thousands of cells to paste into and they are not always the same amount. I have to leave the first row the same because that is how I know what to paste and where for my inventory program. Otherwise, I have to go back and change the row every time because it pastes the values or formulas over it. Is there a simple way to avoid this? Hopefully, there is. I appreciate any help or suggestions you may have. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Skip locked/protected row when copying information to entire column

    Hi WWRepair -

    I am no excel expert but I had a similar issue yesterday and was able to make it work for me. First, unprotect the worksheet. Then, highlight all of the rows and columns that you wish to be able to paste into (Example: If you want the top row to be locked and everything under to be unlocked, you should start highlighting at row 2). Once you highlight a good amount of area that you believe information will be in, you should right click and select format cells. You should go to the last tab called "Protection". You need to uncheck the box that says "Locked", select OK. Now go back and re-protect your worksheet.

    All cells are defaulted to be locked. So when you lock the worksheet, it locks all the cells that have that setting as locked.

    I hope that helps you!

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Skip locked/protected row when copying information to entire column

    What I have found is that I do not have to worry about selecting the whole column and copy it. You should be able to select the information you want to copy and then right click from row 2 of the column you want and paste that way, it should carry the information down how every long the it needs to. Now if you are trying to past over something else and copying the whole column is the only way then you may need a macro or something to start pasting in row 2 instead of one. I tried the option of only protecting the top row and was unsuccessful when trying to copy one column to the next. I too got the locked cell error. If that doesn't work maybe there is a way to down select a column starting at row 2 instead of row 1.

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