I have a column: Column D with cells which look like any of the following:

D12: Europe/Asia/North America/Australia
D13: Europe/Latin America/Australia
D14: Asia/Australia

What I am trying to do is that when I type in a search word in cell _C8, it searches for those cells in column D which contain that search word. So if I type in "Asia" in cell C8, it will search through column D for all the rows which have the string "Asia". I tried using the LEFT function (shown in Formula A), but that only works if my search word is the leftmost word before the "/". If I type in "Asia" in C8, only D14 will show up and not D12, which also contains that string. I tried using the MID function in conjunction with the find function (Formula B), but that only works for one backlash.
Formula A
LEFT(D12, LEN(_C8)) = _C8

Formula B
MID(D14, FIND("/", D14)+1, LEN(_C8)) = _C8

Any help would be appreciated!