I have a worksheet with columns of dates. When plugging in a date on Sheet 2, I want to find all non-blank cells from the corresponding column in Sheet 1, but also to return the data from column A for all the results. On Sheet 2, I have 3 columns, Date, Employee, and Hours. When a date is entered, I want the Employee and Hours populated from Sheet 1. A lookup on the date will have to be done in Sheet 1 to find the correct column. Any data in that column will be returned, as well as the corresponding data in Column A for that same row.
If you look at my example, You'll see 2/10 entered in Sheet 2. What should be returned is Young, Christine for Employee and 7 for Hours because 7 is the only data in the column with a header of 2/10.Schedule.xlsx
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!