Hi All

Sorry if this has been covered in previous posts I was not sure how to phrase my query to be able to do an effective search.

I have a file which I want to do a SUMIF on each month but refer to a different data file where it will pick information up from. Each data file will be named with a Month in its title so I am referecing a field in the main file which has the month name to then go an get the neede dinformation from that respective file.

The SUMIF uses a wild card "L*" to pick up anything in a column with the letter L in it and sum the corresponding number.

What I appear to have problems with is combining the SUMIF with a "L*" and then use CONCATENATE to build a forumla to call the data.

Ideally I want to use INDIRECT to make EXCEL understand I want it to be a formula but the whole thing vcomes out with a #VALUE. If I copy and paste the resulting concatenate in to another cell the forumla works.

I suspect it is the wild card "L*" using quotes in combination with the INDIRECT function that is causing the problem.

The entire formula is as follows:-

=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("-SUMIF('G:\Planning\[Travel Retail ",B8," 13 Work file.xlsx]Liquidation Model'!$B$6:$B$24,""L*"",'G:\Planning[Travel Retail ",B8," 13 Work file.xlsx]Liquidation Model'!$E$6:$E$12)"))

B8 is referencing the name "January" for instance.

Data in the work filw for columns B and E would typically be:-

L TYPE 1 10
L TYPE 2 20
L TYPE 3 30
M TYPE 1 10
M TYPE 2 20
M TYPE 3 30

So the above formula shoudl return in this instance a value of 60 (sum of everything beginning with a "L".

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.