Hello there.

I am currently creating a schedule for use at our company and am having some problems with Hyperlinking and filetypes.

I have already set-up a Hyperlink formula that works quite well -

=HYPERLINK("Z:\JOB CARDS\Job Card "&A2&".xlsx", "LINK")

Which automatically opens Z:\JOB CARDS\Job Card "A2".xlsx depending on the value entered in A2.

I want another, similar formula to open Drawings that are located in the Location "Z:\DRAWINGS\", depending on the value entered in Cell E2.
However, the files in "DRAWINGS" are not of a set filetype - and can be either .dwg, or .edrw . So when I try and apply the above formula to this cell, i can have it open EITHER .dwg or .edrw, but not both. There will NEVER be a .edrw or .dwg of the same value.

I've attempted an IF forumla solution where if HYPERLINK("Z:\DRAWINGS\"&E2&".dwg", "LINK") does not find a file, then it automatically searches for HYPERLINK("Z:\DRAWINGS\"&E2&".edrw", "LINK"), to no avail. I've also tried IFERROR(), which does not work either.

Is there anything I can do?

Thanks in Advance for any help.