
Was directed to your site in my efforts to troubleshoot, but nothing has worked for me.

I am trying to conditionally format (to highlight red with pink text) certain columns in an excel sheet based on two criteria being true: (1) that the row is odd, and (2) that the value of the cell is less than the value of the cell in the row above it (the even row).

To do this, I put together the following formulas that work individually:


For the row is odd condition


For the condition that the cell be less than the cell above it.

These both work individually, but when I try to combine them in order to make the condition contingent upon both being true it does not work; here is my end formula:

=AND(MOD(ROW(),2)>0), (INDIRECT("A"&(ROW()-1))-INDIRECT("A"&(ROW()))>0)

For some reason they aren't working in unison, and it is boggling my mind. I choose "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" and put in the formula under "format values where this formula is true:"

What have I done wrong? is it because there are two inequality signs or what?

Thanks in advance.