
I have a question on how to simplify a formula.
I know I can solve this problem with a nested formula roughly like =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("(Aimer - 6)";A2));"(Aimer - 6)";IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("(Acheter - 12)";A2));"(Acheter - 12)";"" )) and then keep nesting them until you have a roughly endless formula, difficult to control.

Here is the case. I have 3 columns:
- Column A: column containing the data the formula needs to be applied to.
- Column B: the result of the formula; Column B will alter be used to apply a filter before printing.
- Column C; the list of different values to choose from (these values/text is used to match with Column A)

Column A # Column B # Column C
meegaan, vergezellen (ww) (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6)
kopen (ww) (Acheter - 12) # (Acheter - 12) # (Acheter - 12)
Dol zijn op (ww) (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6) # (Créer - 13)
aanvaarden (ww) (Créer - 13) # # (Aller - 22)
helpen (ww) (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6) # (Placer - 7)
gaan (ww) (Aller - 22) # # (Jeter - 11)
Gaan naar (ww) (Aller - 22) # # (prendre - 54)
aansteken (ww) (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6) # (Boire - 69)
aankondigen (ww) (Placer - 7) # # (Bouger - 8)
zien, opmerken (ww) (recevoir - 38) # #
roepen (ww) (Jeter - 11) # #
leren (ww) (prendre - 54) # #
Wachten (op) (ww) (Render - 53) # #
Vooruit gaan (ww) (Placer - 7) # #
hebben (ww) (Avoir -1) # #
Hoofdpijn hebben (ww) (Avoir -1) # #
bewegen (ww) (Bouger - 8) # #
schijnen, schitteren (ww) (Aimer - 6) # (Aimer - 6) #

I’m looking for a formula, which would check the value / text in column A to see if there would be a match with the values/text in Column C.
If there is a match for a given line, the result should be set in Column B, using the format as it is presented in column C.
I have tried to do this with a Vlookup but this will not work as I do not have a clear and continuous format for the content of column A.

I anyone could help me with this one, my daughter would be happy as this would help here with studying the French language…

Thanks in advance
Marc Boom