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picking a random cell from the visible

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    picking a random cell from the visible

    Hi all,

    I am a total Excel beginner, and have run into a problem, that i hope you can help me with.

    I have a few excel sheets with costumer names, and I need to take a random sample from the different costumer segments ( total like 2000 names )

    What i did was first to split them up into segments by adding a column, where i addressed the different segments a letter: I,F,B or R and then set up a filter to easily separate the different costumers.

    What I would like to do now is to take a random costumer from the visible segment to use in the upcoming survey.

    my idea was to do an =INDEX(vis(B2:B480;RANDBETWEEN(1;COUNT(vis(B2:B480)))

    sort of to get excel to index the visible cells between B2 and B 480, then give me a random one of this between the 1 and the number of visible cells.

    i did get the vis function to work, by adding some VBA but i cant get the entire function to work - any ideas of what I could do ? or what I am doing wrong ? i did try a lot of different options, so the ones i have described here was just the one that i think was easiest to understand what I am after.

    hope you can help



  2. #2
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Excel 2007

    Re: picking a random cell from the visible

    Upload a sample sheet showing what you have, what you want and some idea of how you expect to gete there,(vis is not a built-in excel function, but if they are grouped by a common criteria, that can still be achieved without VBA)

    A picture may be worth a thousand words, BUT, a sample Workbook is worth a thousand screenshots!
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