Hey djauncey,
First of all, thank you so much for your response. I sincerely appreciate it.
Although I've used computers since the 70's, everything I know is self-taught. As for your explanation, I'm not positive I understand what you're conveying. Whenever I copy the batch of cells that I want to copy into the worksheet, I copy them as a group, i.e. I select cells X232 - AD269 and then copy them using CNTL-C. Then I highlight cells X288 - AD288 and insert the cells X232-AD269 into the table, which moves X288-AD288 down. I utilize the "Insert" and then "Insert Cell" options of the Home Ribbon. Does this make sense? You wrote:

[B]"Basically it's because the number of rows that AA180 is looking up ie AA126 (54 rows above) and AA177 (3 rows above) is different to the number of rows separating AA232 and where it should be looking up AA180 is only 52 rows. The only way to counter this really is to make sure that each 'batch' of formula is the same size."[/B]

I don't understand what you wrote here because when I highlight the cells to be copied, they're in one long block, so there's no way the rows should be different. Unless I misunderstand what you wrote, which is a possibility. If I'm incorrect, could you explain it in another way???