Hey everyone,

I'm tinkering with a workbook and have hit a bit of a stumbling block. I have a table (Sheet 1, A1:R34) that will be populated with data relating to the steps of a project. When data is entered here, sections of the table automatically populate a secondary table (Sheet 2, A66:F95) that I use for a VLOOKUP function to quickly view key stats. What I would like to do is set this up so that when I use VLOOKUP to bring up key stats on a particular step, I can click on the stats/name of the step to get directly to the more detailed info contained in the initial table (Sheet 1, A1:R34). I've used HYPERLINK and VLOOKUP functions before, but I've never had to combine them. Is there a simple way to do this, or will I have to embed a HYPERLINK into the data entered into the initial table (Sheet 1, A1:R34)?

Any information or advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you!