Hi guys,

So this is the new problem I am faced with. I work with Excel 2003. I want to do a formula that works through filters, so I did subtotal (e.g =SUBTOTAL(103,E$9:E$301) ) but, in the column that I need to count is a formula entered in each cell which is an IF/AND formula =IF(AND(F9="",D9<TODAY(),ISNUMBER(D9)),"Over due","") so the subtotal is counting all of the cells when I only need it to count the cells which display the result "over due", then I need it to work in a filter...

I can not think of a way that this is possible...then again my knowledge of Excel is basic? I can do COUNTIF (which is what I have now) but then it doesn't work in filters.

If it isn't possible then never mind I'll work round it, but I would prefer to avoid VBA where possible.
