Hi all,

Have been racking my brains for hours trying to figure this one out but can't get close to achieving what I want...

I have two spreadsheets: one containing 14,000 UK addresses (e.g. Flat 2 14 Kensignton Street London W8 2LY) in Column A, the other containing 250 part addresses (e.g. Kensington Street W8) in Column A.

Essentially I want to identify any of the 14,000 that contains (in the same order but not necessarily as an exact text string) any one of the 250 addresses. If I can also reference them according to the row number in the second spreadsheet, that would be even better.

I guess it requires some kind of MATCH/OR function that includes wild cards (or maybe a VLOOKUP) but I can't figure how to piece together a formula without having to run each of the 250 addresses separately against the 14,000.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.