Quote Originally Posted by whizbee View Post

The report is an export from our software. The dates evidently have time stamps embedded.
Try this version:


I'm assuming that you want the count to be accurate when you apply a filter:

when I filter column I for July 2010
You should avoid using entire columns as range references with the SUMPRODUCT function (or any array formula) because it's very inefficient.

The SUMPRODUCT function (and array formulas) will evaluate EVERY cell referenced. Based on the formula you just posted there are over 1 million empty cells in column I that would be evaluated which is a waste of resources and can cause overall file performance to slow down.

If data will be added frequently then use a dynamic defined range that will automatically adjust as data is added.

The dynamic range would be defined as...

Goto the Formulas tab>Formulas>Define name
Name: Dates
Refers to: =Data!$I$2:INDEX(Data!$I:$I,MATCH(1E100,Data!$I:$I))

Note that the dynamic range should not include a text column header. Only define the range that contains the actual data that needs to be calculated.

Then the formula would become:
