Hi All,

I just started playing bowling and I was asked to help maintain scores, averages and tournament scores.

I searched the forum and found similar table that I can use. The link is here

I have made a few adjustments.

1 - The is a handicap table based on a % of a scratch score. This depends on different tournament constitutions.
2 - I have 50 bowlers at moment, possible over 100 in near future. Every bowler is graded from Open, Seniors, A, B, C, D and Juniors. I have added a column for this.
3 - There is a column for Female and Male bowlers.
4 - I have added a few Tournament Leagues on bottom tabs, Adult All Event, Adult Singles, Doubles and Trios, Mixed Doubles & Mixed Trios.

I need help with a few things.

1 - In the tabs below, Adult All Event, Adult Singles, Doubles and Trios, Mixed Doubles & Mixed Trios, I have highlighted in red the players. I am trying to use a formula to find the respective players from the AdultDATA tab and place them from Highest Score to Lowest, in the correct grade and Male & Female groups.. The way the tabs are setup is the way Alley organisers would like it. Making this a little harder. Ive tried modifying this formula
to also search "players", "Grade" and "Gender" and grouping them in right order.. Nothing seems to be working. I've used a search function based on cell entries A2, A29, A38 & A50 (grades) but can't make them work correctly

2 - In the Mixed and Trio leagues, I have the problem of identifying the players who bowled together and their in separate grades. Some players can also play multiple games. Using VLOOKUP won't work because there will be multiple same names. I figure SUMIF and/or RANK function may help with that.

I am thinking it be easier to have separate data for each respective grades, unless a formula can be used. I really hope this is clear! Thank you in advance to all who work on this.