I'm attempting to write an IF statement with vlookups (I've tried the formula as a Nested, but continue to get an error). I've attempted to place an ISNA within the formula but, can't figure out how to get to the second vlookup.


In words:

If Cell A3 (Country) equals 1 (1 = "select a county"), then I want the formula to stop
If Cell C6 is greater than 2 (1 = Select Text or part Number, 2 = Search by Text and 3 = Search by Part Number) and Cell A3 equals 2 (2 = CAD item)
then I want you to lookup the part number entered in Cell D11 from Columns ACG3:ACI4500 (CAD pricebook)
and return the Description of the part number (column 2);
If Cell A3 equals 3 (3 = USD item) then I want you to lookup the part number entered in Cell D11 from Columns ACJ3:ACK4500 (USD pricebook)
and return the Description of the part number (column 2)

The formula keeps getting stuck on the 1st VLOOKUP becuase it returns an N/A#

Please help.