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VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

  1. #1
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    VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

    Hi all

    I can't get my head round this one, and Googling solutions I'm beginning to wonder if it is possible without VBA...

    I have a bibliography in Excel with referencing information in each cell - for example: 'Drugs. 2012 Sep 10;72(13):1739-53.' There are a couple of thousand of these.

    On another sheet, I have a list of different journal titles in range A2:A239 including 'Drugs', and in column E I have an 'Impact Factor' number that corresponds with those eg. '4.633' (this does not have to be formatted as a number - it could just as easily be a text string).

    So on the bibliography sheet, I would like to create a formula that allows me to lookup the journal 'Drugs' (using a partial text match due to the other information in the cell) from the second sheet and return the Impact Factor value that corresponds with it to the bibliography sheet.

    Once I have a formula that can actually achieve this I will be able to work out the wildcard values to make sure I don't get erroneous returns on the lookups.

    Is this possible? Looking forward to your thoughts!


  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Harribone's Avatar
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    Re: VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

    So for 'Drugs. 2012 Sep 10;72(13):1739-53.' you want to perform a lookup to find the Impact Factor from another sheet using Drugs as the lookup value? If so how will the formula know you are looking for the word Drugs?

    Will every entry on the Bibliography sheet be in the same format (Drugs. 2012 Sep 10;72(13):1739-53.)? If so I assume that you want to extract the text before the first full stop and then use this as your lookup value.

    If so the attached file will help you. Very basic to show you what to do, you just need to apply it to your work.
    Attached Files Attached Files
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  3. #3
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    Re: VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

    Spectacular - that worked perfectly!

    Thanks very much for your help.


  4. #4
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

    Based on your last post in this thread, its apparent that you are satisfied with the solution(s) you've received and have solved your question, but you haven't marked your thread as "SOLVED". I will do it for you this time.

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    Also, since you are relatively new to the forum, i would like to inform you that you can thank those who have helped you by clicking the small star icon located in the lower left corner of the post which helped you. This adds to the reputation of the person who has taken the time to help you.
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  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Harribone's Avatar
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    Re: VLOOKUP-type formula required for partial text matche in multiple spreadsheets

    Always glad to help. Good luck with the rest of your work!

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