
I've been playing with the COUNTIF and SUM functions to devise a way to count the number of times a combination of text strings show within a column, yet the bulk of the tips I find correlate more to finding vaules across columns and rows. Though helpful, it's not quite working for what I'm trying to do.



fox trot dance
dog eats apples
fox climbs trees
cat chases dog
dog chases cat
cat eats mice
fox climbs wall
fox chases cat
dog climbs trees

How would I construct a formula that would count the number of instances "fox" and "climbs" appear together in the same string? What I come up with keeps tabulating all the instances of "fox" and "climbs" to give me a sum of the total times the words are used. I just want to see when they're used together. As always, any and all help is most appreciated.