Hi All-
I have a likely easy question, but I'm completely stumped. I have a worksheet that I'm trying to calculate the percentage of how many times "y" appears in a column (#y/total of y & n). If there is no data at all in the column, of course, I get a #div/0 error with this formula:

=COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"Y")/(SUM(COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"Y"),COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"N"))))

It works as long as there is at least 1 "y" or "n" in the coulmn, but i get the error if no data has been entered. I tried correcting with this and keep getting a #value error:

=IF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved]="","",COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"Y")/(SUM(COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"Y"),COUNTIF(Table3[JAN Target Bx % Achieved],"N"))))

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!