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apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

  1. #1
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    apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Hi, I need to apply 2 condition formatting on the same row by using drop down list.
    The first condition formatting is to highlight the cell in difference colour
    For example the whole row will turn in green if cell $K12="Yes"
    And then I want to apply another Condition formatting on the same row if cell $N12= "complete" by grey out the text or disable the roll.
    Is there anyway to do this?
    I'm using excel 2011 on Mac.

    Thank You.

  2. #2
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

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  3. #3
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Hi, Thanks for helping but I cannot download the file

  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    Assuming you want the "grey" to take precedence over "green", try this (I am unfamiliar with mac, so I hope the commands are the same/in the same place)

    1. highlight the range you want to apply the conditional formatting to (for instance A2:J20)
    2. on the home tab, styles, select CF
    3. select new rule, select use formula
    4. enter $K12="Yes format fill GREEN

    Repeat 3 and 4 with $N12= "complete" format fill GREY
    This rule should now be the 1st/top rule, and beside it, should be a box to check "stop if true" - check that box
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  5. #5
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Quote Originally Posted by ramananhrm View Post
    Are you looking for this result?
    Hi, I'm able to download the file now. The result that that need is that the row still highlight as green colour but the text inside is grey out or disable to change.
    Is there any possible way to do that?

  6. #6
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Quote Originally Posted by FDibbins View Post
    Hi and welcome to the forum

    Assuming you want the "grey" to take precedence over "green", try this (I am unfamiliar with mac, so I hope the commands are the same/in the same place)

    1. highlight the range you want to apply the conditional formatting to (for instance A2:J20)
    2. on the home tab, styles, select CF
    3. select new rule, select use formula
    4. enter $K12="Yes format fill GREEN

    Repeat 3 and 4 with $N12= "complete" format fill GREY
    This rule should now be the 1st/top rule, and beside it, should be a box to check "stop if true" - check that box
    Thank you, FDibbins.
    What I need is the row still remain its colour but only the text will turn to grey if N12=Complete, or the row will be disable if N12=Complete.
    Is there any possible way to do that?

  7. #7
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: apply 2 condition formatting on the same row

    Instead of grey fill, make it grey font, and move the rule down to 2nd place (use the uppy-downy arrows on the side)

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