
I responded into an older thread - due to my not knowing what I was doing - I apologise .

here is my problem:
on one sheet of a workbook I have to enter two different figures - one is a number of pallets the other a Postcode, then I want to be able to return the value of that delivery from a table that has 5 columns (each referring to a post code) and 26 rows each referring to a number of pallets. So if the postcode is 'B' and the number of Pallets is 15, I need it to return the value in the table for that delivery - how do I go about it. Thus far it has been a manual exercise but I would like to 'automate it.

So, for example, in I27 I want to return the value that corresponds to m32 in the table. The two 'variables are E26 and K24.

If this makes sense can someone let me have a formula that works please - eternally grateful.
