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Complex autofill patterns

  1. #1
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    Complex autofill patterns

    I have posted this previously, under a thread however I believe it was marked as solved and am having no response.

    Please see attached sheet for a better understanding, however I am stumped on how to get excel to autofill the cells required,
    At present the only way I can see is by manually doing it and it taking a month of Sundays.


    On each work sheet is a tab containing numerical information listed monthly row by row
    On a summary worksheet I need it to collect the information and display it monthly.
    So if the information for January is on row 21
    The info for Feb is on row 22
    However when I click and drag across the cell row stays at 21.

    I then need the information to be shown in a small table, however the way the cells are laid out in no distinct pattern so autofill does not work.
    So some how I wish to tell the cells where to look and it automatically sort it self. If possible

    On the contents I wish to hyperlink a shortcut to each tab, is there a way to do this without manually inserting a hyperlink.

    For more clarification best have a look through the sheet, I have completed some parts manually so hopefully it will give an idea of what it is trying to achieve.

    Many thanks in advance!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    For your first problem I'd suggest trying a vlookup formula, for example:
    =INDIRECT("'"&VLOOKUP(K15,$A23:$I47,9)&"'!T10") in K21 and copy and paste to Q21.

    I don't quite understand the second one.

    For the last point, you can use the hyperlink function =HYPERLINK() to create one to a file but don't think it works for a cell. You would have to use VBA for this I think.

  3. #3
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    Thanks for that, but I am a little confused.

    Does that take into consideration the INDIRECT formula already in the cell to find the information on the seperate work sheets.
    When I tried it didnt seem to work.

    If you see on SUMMARY page starting at cell A22 it shows all the month info collected from Row 18 on summary page (K,L,M,N / Q,R,S,T etc)
    I wish the information to auto fill for each month and to find the corresponding information on row 18.

    I dont know anything about VBA, so that is a shame as I would have liked to have used the links to go to each worksheet.
    That will be a manual job then I think!

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    Sorry, I misinterpreted which bit you were trying to autofil.
    In B23: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(18,MATCH(A23,$15:$15,0)))
    in C23: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(18,MATCH(A23,$15:$15,0)+1))
    in D23: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(18,MATCH(A23,$15:$15,0)+2))
    in E23: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(18,MATCH(A23,$15:$15,0)+3))

    I can show you how to do it with VBA, what exactly do you want for hyperlinks (i.e. which cells should the link be in and where should the link go?)
    Last edited by ragulduy; 10-29-2013 at 07:03 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    So if you click on CF050
    it would take you to the CF050 worksheet or tab.
    It does not have to be a specific cell just the work sheet.

    Any ideas on when you click and drag along the table starting at K21 etc
    as you see the data is collected from for example CF001 Jan
    Would be worksheet CF001 S10
    But for Feb it would be CF001 S11
    march S12 etc etc

    But it does not change the 10 to 11, it keeps it the same

    Last edited by estuaryltd; 10-29-2013 at 07:11 AM. Reason: more info

  6. #6
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    Ok, so in your excel workbook, press Alt+F11, this will take you to the visual basic editor.

    Then, from the menu bar select insert->module

    In the window that appears (should be titled module1) copy and paste this code:
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    click the cursor on a line between sub macro_1 and end sub, then press F5.

    this should generate the hyperlinks for you.

  7. #7
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    Excellent, it worked and i was able to copy the information and paste it into various other places it needed.

    Much appreicated, I cant believe how quickly you got it sorted!!

  8. #8
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Complex autofill patterns

    Based on your last post in this thread, its apparent that you are satisfied with the solution(s) you've received and have solved your question, but you haven't marked your thread as "SOLVED". I will do it for you this time.

    In future, to mark your thread as Solved, you can do the following -
    Select Thread Tools-> Mark thread as Solved.

    Incase your issue is not solved, you can undo it as follows -
    Select Thread Tools-> Mark thread as Unsolved.

    Also, since you are relatively new to the forum, i would like to inform you that you can thank those who have helped you by clicking the small star icon located in the lower left corner of the post which helped you. This adds to the reputation of the person who has taken the time to help you.
    If I have helped, Don't forget to add to my reputation (click on the star below the post)
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    Use code tags when posting your VBA code: [code] Your code here [/code]

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